2013 Regional Otterhound Specialty Show

In March 2013, we decided to participate in the Otterhound Regional Specialty dog show. Louisville, KY has been an annual gathering for Otterhounds every spring for many years and we simply needed a good reason to go and check it out. This year we got one: Waylon (Blue Fairy’s Lord of the Rings) and his humans decided to join the fun!

Despite of moody weather and early ring times, it was an awesome weekend adventure. There were 26 Otterhounds in attendance. At local California shows we see 2-4 Otterhounds on average, we might see a dozen if we get lucky. It was exciting to look at a lineup of hounds of all ages representing different breeding lines and kennels. Friendly competition is good for the soul πŸ˜‰

Otterhound Specialties also have a lot of human entertainment: hospitality hang-out, judges’ education, club dinners and award ceremonies. This year was special: our Starr, The Blue Fairy Mother received her official Registry of Merit certificate for producing 5 AKC Champions. Pretty cool!

Waylon travelled with his Daddy Flash all the way from Atlanta, GA. During the week together in the van, hotel room and at the showgrounds, the boys developed quite a relationship. At the beginning, Flash was not too sure about his bouncy son. He was ignoring him for the most part. Waylon on the other hand was desperately trying to get close and play. It took time for Flash to set the boundaries and make it clear to Waylon that only calm interaction is acceptable. By the end of the weekend, Flash was wagging his big tail every time he saw Waylon and was disappointed if he had to be in his crate without his puppy boy in the crate next to him. They became a pack!

Waylon has grown up quite a bit since we’ve last seen him at the Otterhound Specialty in Knoxville, TN last November. He is now a 90lb teenager, full of energy and enthusiasm to do anything, as long as it’s fun. Amazing how much Waylon and Bella have in-common: the same playfulness and curiosity, need for a hug and overall goofiness. Famous Otterhound sense of humor πŸ™‚ He reminded us also of his Mom Leeloo with his movement in the ring, happy wagging tail and a big smile. No question he’s a Blue Fairy hound!

We also had an opportunity to spend some quality time with Flash (GCH White River’s News Flash). It only confirmed our breeding decision: his personality and appearance represent Otterhound Breed Standard very well. He won Best of Breed title and participated in Hound Group competition. What a magnificent hound!

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