This page is dedicated to owner’s tales (tails?) of “growing up Otterhound” puppies. Their stories are valuable and entertaining to those of us who have the privilege of living with one (or many) or anyone considering adding an Otterhound to their family.
Otterhounds are one of the most endangered dog breeds and finding homes for the next generations is critical to their survival. We hope to accomplish this goal by sharing the love and dedication of families that own them.
Blue Fairy puppies are placed in their new homes at 8 weeks old on average. When a new owner gets their puppy, she/he is already a 15-20lb ball of energy and growing up very fast. Every day is an adventure and a new learning opportunity. Potty training, leash walking, teething, chewing, digging and barking are facts of life when raising a puppy. We want to share these “growing up” stories – Otterhound style. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do 🙂
Thacher (formerly Buffy)
Jace (formerly Freddy)
Newton (formerly Red John)
Fiona (formerly Willow)
Former/Puppy Name: Buffy
AKC Registered Name: Blue Fairy’s Iron Lady
Color: Black & Tan, Grizzle Markings
Height @ 6 Months: 23 inches
Weight @ 6 Months: 58lbs
Place of Residence: San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Kimberly & Stefan Say:
Overall, over the past few months she’s kept us busy – but is SO incredibly smart. She learned ‘sit’, ‘down’, ‘stay’, and ‘walk’ all before we ever started puppy class. Food, of course, is a big motivator. The biggest lesson she had to learn there was doing all of those things while being distracted. When we first started she had the ‘I’ m the smallest puppy here’ (even though she was towering over everyone) and was scared of all the other dogs. However, now she’s realized her size and is the one who instigates all of the play!
She certainly has personality – talking back to us when we ask her to do something she doesn’t want to do, particularly something that puts her in a ‘submissive’ position like ‘down’. That one was a big struggle to get her to learn. She whines at her Kong when she can’t get the treat out and when we ignore her.
Former/Puppy Name: Freddy
AKC Registered Name: Blue Fairy’s Hound of Baskervilles
Color: Black & Tan, Grizzle Markings
Height @ 6 Months: 25 inches
Weight @ 6 Months: 71lbs
Place of Residence: Phoenix, AZ area
Pet Companions: Golden Retriever, Gordon Setter & 3 Cats
Don & Cyndy Say:
Jace has a great personality – loves his long walks and doesn’t know a stranger person or dog when we’re out. When home, though, he will let you know if somebody goes by or comes to the house. Once he knows they’re ok, everybody is a new friend. He’s also a huge fan of the cats here – loves to play with them (at least the one who likes it) – amazingly gentle for being such a big pup. His bud is the Golden – they play lots, as the Gordon is just too old and doesn’t appreciate the fun Jace can provide.
He makes a new friend on just about every walk as everybody (both 2-footed and 4-footed) thinks he’s quite a crack-up as he always carries the ball for his best bud, our Golden Retriever. Jace doesn’t quite get the whole “chase the ball thing” – he’s figured out it’s much easier just to let the Golden chase the ball, bring it back and then take it from the Golden’s mouth and carry it himself. It never fails to get a smile or a pet from even the most stern-faced jogger.
In case anyone (I know we wondered) wants to know how Otterhounds (at least this 6 month old one) get along with cats, this is living proof. I also am hoping pool weather is right around the corner because I know he’ll love it. He has discovered a canal on our walks and loves sloshing through the water.
Former/Puppy Name: Red John
AKC Registered Name: Blue Fairy’s Back to the Future
Color: Black & Tan, Grizzle Markings
Height @ 6 Months: 25 ½ inches
Weight @ 6 Months: 76.1lbs
Place of Residence: Atlanta, GA area
Pet Companions: PBGV puppy and a cat
August Says:
So, what’s it like to have an Otterhound? The short answer is great. Our 6 month Otterhound is really part of our family and If you are considering this breed, that needs to be your expectation. He’s reserved, but very watchful and he enjoys and needs to be a part of your daily life. At 6 months old he’s about 70 pounds but thinks he’s about 35. He loves people, dogs and our cat and he enjoys going out and about. But, you have to have a gentle hand and kind spirit in working with his personality. You need to be firm but kind and you’ll be rewarded with a dog who responds well to your expectations and loves you.
Within a couple of weeks of getting Newton my wife who had been a little apprehensive about having a big dog told me she always wanted to have an Otterhound.
Newton has been sleeping through the night since he was 8 weeks old. When we brought him home he slept in the bed with us for a while, but we eventually got him a bed that goes between a sofa and the wall (so he has a private spot) and he loves it. At night he’s quick to settle down, and he was quick to figure out our routine and to make it his.
Newton has been house trained pretty much since day one in our home. Ashka did a fantastic job and the accidents we did have were our fault. Within a week he would go to the door and look out when it was time to go. We did use a crate in the beginning for a time when we were away and he responded well to that.
Since 10 weeks we’ve been going on longer and longer walks and he loves it. It builds confidence and a connection between us and starting at 3 months I started working on a safety command (a loud noise I make that makes him stop and look at me and then come) and the come command and now we are working progressively more off-leash. Now, he is a hound dog and still young one so this needs to be a controlled environment, but over time he and I are getting better at it.
He has a wonderful, melodic voice…but is not a barker.
Newton is very social and loves having friends. He lives with a little “brother” Oppenheimer, a 4-month old Petit Basset Griffon Vandeen (PBGV) and a cat. A couple times per week Newton goes to doggy day care and he loves his friends there….he gets along well with everyone and can be trusted with the puppies despite his size.
Other things people should know about the Otterhound:
Former/Puppy Name: Willow
AKC Registered Name: Blue Fairy’s Deer Hunter
Color: Black & Tan, Grizzle Markings
Height @ 6 Months: 23 inches
Weight @ 6 Months: 50lbs
Place of Residence: Spokane, WA (moving to WI soon!)
Aditya & Yash say:
Fiona is very social. In training, she’s made friends with a younger Mastiff puppy, although he’s heavier and bigger than her presently. One recent thing we noticed her doing is when she grabs something she knows we wouldn’t approve of (e.g. socks or underwear), she runs towards the door and touches the bell there 🙂 She probably thinks a genie comes along and opens the door when the bell is rung – it was hilarious to see her ring it, and get disappointed when the door did not automatically open.
Also, just now we gave her a cow ear to go eat out in the backyard – she ate it for a bit, and then a while later when we checked to see what she was up to, the princess was digging a hole to hide the cow ear. She did it really neatly though! 🙂
I wanted to share with you how Fiona learned to use the bell. When we first got her, we used to watch her like Hawks and every time she showed sign of wanting to pe/po, we would immediately take her to the door and ring the bell and take her out to finish her business. We did that for almost 2 weeks continuously. After that I made her sit in front of the bell and put some peanut butter on the bell and when she touched it with her nose, I gave her lots of praise and treats and opened the door to take her out. I repeated that for 4 times and she picked it up. But then she was doing it for fun to get treats, so we ignored her.
Next time she wanted to pee, she herself went to the door and rang the bell. We gave her lots of praises and took her out to pee and immediately came inside to give her a treat. Now she is very good at using the bell. Also, we taught her to sit and wait after ringing the bell, she does it once in a while but mostly she is in a hurry to go out:). This method is very convenient for us because we do not have a doggy door. Good things Fiona is very smart and learns everything we teach very quickly.
One funny incident that I remember is that, we were trying to teach Fiona to Hi five. She didn’t understand when I took her paw and hit it to my hand. So Aditya and I sat in front of her and we clapped our hands for a Hi5, she immediately gave her paw when I said Hi5. I noticed that she learns a lot of things by observing us and other dogs.
Puppy Name: Phoebe
AKC Registered Name: Blue Fairy’s Legends of the Fall
Color: Black & Tan, Grizzle Markings
Height & 6 Months: 23 inches
Weight @ 6 Months: 68lbs
Place of Residence: Blue Fairy SoCal Headquarters
Pet Companions: Blue Fairy Pack: Mamba, Leeloo, Ozzy & Bella
Mikey Says:
”Where’s the rabbit? I know it’s here!” Left, right, up the hill, zoom… Phoebe’s nose is on fire. She started hunting by following her pack mates, like all the things she’s learned (good and not so good). But now she’s on her own, an independent woman, until…. Owww. She is such a wuss.
She eats like a horse. Her body, though proportional, is way too big for her head. Suddenly she’s a big dog. Where’s our puppy? It goes way too fast. One week left in Puppy class; passive by nature but more confident each day. I think the ocean is her favorite, follows Ozzy straight in the water, swims like a …otter.
Loves to roll in the sand, chew sticks, and rub her nose in the dirt. A drink of water every chance she gets…slobber, drip. “Now my favorite, if I shake my head real hard I can get mud on the walls and ceiling.”
Ice cream from the spoon – very gentle, so patient. She’s a real treat, we love her so. Can’t wait for the next litter. No more dogs. People think we are crazy 😉
For more stories about Phoebe and her adventures, pictures and videos, simply go to her page: The Pack: Phoebe – The Charmed One